Photography parallels and contextualizes my work in sculpture and chalk-line installation. Frontal and axial photographic views of spatial installations, amount to “post-scores”; notating possible perspectives that inform an extended experience of ephemeral work.
I am interested in camera operations that intercept the experience of the perception of the eye by means of freezing and blurring a still or moving subject. Camera-motion, in conjunction with the pendular movement of a cluster of suspended chalk-lines, generates and captures multiple, double-images of powder-coated lines.
I work principally with natural light and use Canon lenses and cameras. I began with an old, Zeiss Ikonta-B, medium-format camera and have worked with 4 x 5 Polaroid films, eventually acquiring large rolls of reflective, black, opacified polyester directly from Polaroid Corporation, utilized in large-scale chalk-line drawing installations.
I have principally photographed all of my site-specific installations in 35mm, with Kodak E100 VS Ektachrome transparency film, until this became obsolescent. My extensive archive of slide photography is shown in selected images throughout the site. The new work is digitally achieved, with minimal post-production.
Photography: Selected Images
“ Above all things is the Principle, common to all, containing and penetrating all, of which Infinity is the proper attribute, the only one by which It can be characterized, for it bears no name of Its own.”